Tag - lifestyle


12 Reasons You Should Be Eating Garlic Right Now

When most people think of garlic they think of the intoxicating smell of French and Italian food that beckons you into restaurants you know you can’t afford. Whether it is sautéing garlic in butter or infusing it in olive oil, we are weak to the power of garlic. Sometimes bad breath and vampires creep into our thoughts…But what about the health benefits? Garlic is a superhero when it comes to the positive effects it has on our bodies. Many alternative health practitioners claim garlic as a medicine with its many healing properties. This plant, part of the onion family (Allium) is grown and exported all over the world.For thousands of years and cultures hailing from all over the world, garlic has been used as a medicine. In China and India it was used as an aid in digestion...

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10 Invaluable Tips For the Perfect DIY Manicure

Never underestimate the power of a great manicure! Having your nails on point doesn’t only help you make a good impression wherever you go, it also boosts your self confidence and make you feel like an absolute goddess even when you’re grocery shopping. Since manicures are not the cheapest thing in the world and most of the DIY ideas that you read about on the Internet require a lot more time and talent than you’d think, I’ve decided to write an article for those of us who can’t be bothered with complicated stuff but still enjoy having pretty nails. Without further ado, here are the nail hacks you’ve been looking for all your life: First of all, learn to apply nail polish like a pro Have you ever wondered why the manicures that you get at the salon last...

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Makeup 101: How to Apply Foundation Like a Pro

Makeup doesn’t have royalty, but I’m pretty sure that if it did, we’d all be calling foundation Queen Elizabeth. It makes you feel and look fancy AF, but only when you know how to apply it properly. So how about some tips and tricks that makeup artists use on a daily basis? A match made in Heaven No matter how expensive or high end your foundation is, if it doesn’t perfectly match your skin tone, it’s gonna look bad on you. Whenever you go shopping for foundation, be prepared to spend some extra time looking for the perfect shade, but keep in mind that certain tricks will help you find it faster than you’d expect. Let’s say that you found one that you think would be a pretty good match. What you gotta do now is apply the lightest touch of...

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Skin Care 101: 5 Things Every 20 Something Must Do

Being a twentysomething – there’s nothing quite like it! You’re young and beautiful, free of responsibilities (mostly) and ready to conquer the world, not to mention that your skin is at its best, since you’ve probably already grown out of your acne phase. Don’t take this for granted though, and keep in mind that you still need to actively do something in order to ward off the fine lines and dry skin that older women are oh-so-familiar with. You don’t have to go out of your way or break the bank to do this, though. All you need is five extra minutes when you wake up and another five when you go to bed. Cleanse. Every Single Night. After five cocktails and a few hours of laughing, singing and dancing, cleansing is the last thing on your mind, especially...

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5 Popular Weight Loss Myths Debunked

Weight loss is something that we’re all interested in, but unfortunately, the Internet is replete with a lot of crap on this topic. All of a sudden, everybody has become qualified enough to tell people how they should exercise, diet and work out, and if you think of it, it’s pretty hard to tell the difference between true stuff and total BS. If you want to find out what works for you and what doesn’t, take a quick look at our list of totally believable weight loss misconceptions. This way, you’re never going to waste a single day pointlessly. If you eat less and move more, you’ll lose weight right away This is by far and away one of the biggest lies that we’ve been told, and the fact that it does ring kind of true doesn’t help at all. As you...

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The Ultimate List of Style Tips For Busy Women

We all know that being in style ain’t easy, especially when you’re a busy woman. With so many rules to make sense of and trends to follow, I swear it can be pretty damn hard to put together the perfect outfit for every occasion. However, things get surprisingly easier when you know the right stuff, and guess what I’ve prepared for you in this article? Exactly. All the right stuff, so let’s go through these brilliant style tips that have already changed my life and that are guaranteed to change your too. Find yourself a great tailor Not every piece of clothing you find in a shop is going to look nice on you as it is, but with a little help from a good tailor, you won’t have to worry about your favorite clothes not fitting you ever again. Spice up an old jean...

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6 Irrefutable Signs That He Is Your Soulmate

I’m fully aware that we’re all strong, independent women, but let’s face it, our partners do mean a lot to us, especially when we’ve been together for quite a while and realized that they may just be …our soulmate. But as it usually goes, you may still have some doubts about it. Do you really love him? If yes, does he love you as much as you love him? Or is it just physical attraction that one or both of you may be feeling? Believe it or not, finding out if he really is your soulmate is not that complicated. All you have to do is analyze some of your feelings and behaviors. Take a look at the things that I’ve listed below – the more you can relate to them, the more likely your boyfriends is “the one.” Your relationship has never been...

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Why You Should Add Ginger to Your Diet

Ginger is an incredible root with many benefits for your health. While it is an appetite suppressant, immune system booster, and has anti-cancer properties, it is particularly well known for its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger can be added to food, or made into a tea. What many people do not know is it can promote weight loss by activating the metabolizing and helping to burn fat. Improves Metabolism Indigestion is a common problem for many people: ginger tea helps to ease the colon and promotes cleansing. By removing toxins, as well as extra waste, the body will shed extra weight. Ginger contains chromium, magnesium and zinc, which work boost the immune system and help to give your body more energy. (1) The “British Journal of Nutrition” reports that there...

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Body Fragrance: What You Don’t Know

Whether it is the locker room in high school, your first date, the first kiss, we are plagued by concerns about our body odor.  The truth is all animals release natural body odor: it is a biological part of existence. The first thing you should know is that body odor is natural and healthy. All all animals utilize scent to send out warning signals to other animals, mating, and marking their territory. In humans, babies associate with their mothers through smell and adults can distinguish fragrances for picking mates. Many people confuse smell with sweat. However, sweat itself has no odor. Body odor is actually directly related to your digestion and is affected by your lifestyle, diet, and even surroundings. Sweat is produced by two glands: Eccrine glands that produce sweat that is mostly...

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The Top 10 Hashtags For A Fitness Lover

Since the late 90’s times have been changing: out with big steaks and mashed potatoes and in with the paleo diet, meatless Mondays, going vegan, and eating healthier. With that movement also came literal movement—people wanted to be fit ad healthy. As the technology boom gave rise to the mountains of social media and apps, some have fared better than others. With over 400 million users posting more than 80 million photos every day, Instagram remains a favorite for sharing photos and captions. Thanks to Kim Kardashian, everyone calls the pound key the hashtag. As hashtags are how we get to find other people’s photos, and share with our friends our thoughts, here are some of the most popular hashtags for fitness lovers—here’s where you can shamelessly post pictures of your #progress, send...

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