Tag - lifestyle


Benefits of Oil Pulling

How does anyone know what is real or just trendy when every week there is a new diet and natural health remedy sweeping the web. It is often hard to decide which are worth your time. Threading, going organic, gluten free, drinking apple cider vinegar, oil pulling…which of these health crazes are actually helping to benefit your body? One of late popularity is oil pulling. Oil pulling is the act of using oil—coconut, sesame, olive oil—(just to name a few) and swishing it around your mouth for at least 10-20 minutes, as you would do with a mouthwash. Seems easy enough? But where did this idea come from? Before there were fluoride based mouth washes, ancient cultures such as the Ayurveda Indians, used oil pulling as a remedy for fighting plaque, bad breath, tooth decay, various gum related...

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10 Superfoods You Haven’t Tried Yet

Before we delve in, let’s clarify what exactly constitutes a superfood. As consumers, we are bombarded with this word. We see it splashed on magazine covers and labels of expensive granola mixes. All we need to know is that a superfood is any natural food rich in antioxidants, nutrients, and a variety of compounds considered to be especially beneficial to your health. Quinoa, kale, avocados, and chia seeds are household names when it comes to superfoods. But it’s time to explore and reap the benefits of some of the lesser-known superfoods that pack just as much, if not more, nutritional punch! Psyllium Husk (a.k.a. the main ingredient in Metamucil): For all the gluten-free and vegan bakers out there, rejoice! Not only does psyllium husk pack a whopping 80g of fiber per 100g serving, but...

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Cameron Diaz’s Tips for Having a Gorgeous Body

I’m comfortable being who I am. When it comes to looking and feeling like a million dollars, Cameron Diaz really knows her stuff. The 42-year old is not only as fit as a fiddle, but also more confident than ever. Surprising as it may seem, all she does is stick to a simple, yet effective workout routine mostly based on Pilates, eat well and have a lot of fun. She admits enjoying the odd bar of chocolate and the occasional visit to McDonald’s too. So how come things work so great for her? We’ve all tried going on a diet or went to the gym at least once already, but after the first bite of a hamburger, we came to realize that one moment on the lips does mean a lifetime on the hips. Luckily, the Bad Teacher star has shared some of the secrets of her success with...

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