I’m comfortable being who I am.
When it comes to looking and feeling like a million dollars, Cameron Diaz really knows her stuff. The 42-year old is not only as fit as a fiddle, but also more confident than ever. Surprising as it may seem, all she does is stick to a simple, yet effective workout routine mostly based on Pilates, eat well and have a lot of fun. She admits enjoying the odd bar of chocolate and the occasional visit to McDonald’s too.
So how come things work so great for her? We’ve all tried going on a diet or went to the gym at least once already, but after the first bite of a hamburger, we came to realize that one moment on the lips does mean a lifetime on the hips. Luckily, the Bad Teacher star has shared some of the secrets of her success with Cosmopolitan UK and we’ve decided to let you too in on everything.

According to Cameron, looking amazing doesn’t actually take that much work. In fact, it’s more about getting yourself to enjoy everything that’s good for you, ranging from healthy dishes and smoothies to the daily hour of gym. Make your body crave healthy habits and change your mentality about the whole ‘being fit’ thing. You shouldn’t necessarily aim to lose 10 or 20 pounds, but acknowledge your faults, do everything that’s in your power about them and love yourself unconditionally. Want to get a real insight into this process? Then you should buy Cam’s pride and joy, The Body Book.
Once you commit and really put in the effort, your body goes, ‘Oh, it’s not OK to be without this’.

Although she’s really fond of her body, Cammy D believes her own peace of mind is way more important than flat abs. Accepting yourself is a huge step, she says, but one you really need to take if you want to be content with your life. Don’t be afraid of radical changes if you feel like they’re going to do you good.

For instance, Cameron has already given up social media altogether. Apparently, she found Twitter and Co. to be detrimental not only to individuals, but also to society as a whole.
I think social media is a crazy-ass experiment on society. The way people use it to get validation from a bunch of strangers is dangerous. What’s the point?
Whether you agree with Cam or not, you have to hand it to her – she’s living proof that these method is working, so next time you’re trying to get in shape, rely less on the opinions of your Facebook friends and more on your own instinct.
Oh, and that salad you’ve just made – try to savor its flavors and fall in love with its textures, instead of picking bitterly at every leaf of it. Your body’s going to appreciate it!