Having an awesome bedroom is more important than you’d think. After all, you do wake up in your bedroom every morning and go back there every night. And since we all need good sleep in order to function properly and be at our best all the time, it is paramount that the room where you chill for so many hours looks as great as possible.
However, decorating a room can be quite costly at times. Not to mention that going to the store, looking at the stuff they have on offer and actually choosing items that wouldn’t clash with what you already have in your bedroom at home … That can be pretty time consuming too.
But the thing is, if you are committed to improving the look of this room, you will most definitely manage to revamp the whole thing and build your own little corner of Paradise.
So without further ado, let me give you some advice on how to redecorate your bedroom. The cheap – and easy! – way.
Get rid of all the clutter
You know how in absolutely every room, useless objects seem to be piling up endlessly, until you can’t even remember how they got there in the first place? Well, those things belong either in other places or in the trash. Nobody needs five different types of lotion, three empty glasses, two paperbacks and hairspray on their nightstand. So just get rid of all these right away and keep nothing more than the essentials.
New bed sheets, new you
One thing that I’ve noticed about people’s bedrooms is that they almost all look the same. Truth is, people are drowning in shades of beige, and this applies to walls, furniture and even bed sheets. And while getting a new paint job or changing your entire furniture may not be the easiest thing to do at the moment, your bedroom could surely benefit from a new set of sheets. Especially if we’re talking about a colorful one that will help you relax in the evening and cheer you up and encourage you to hop out of bed and start the day in the morning.
Forget about those plain, white hospital sheets and go for bright colors and cool patterns instead. You’d be surprised to see how great seeing your favorite color every day can make you feel.
Pillows are always in
Okay, you have to admit that once you’ve dealt with the boring bed sheets, your bedroom looks much better. But there is yet another thing that you can do that will make it look even more glorious.
Yes, I am talking about pillows. As many of them as you can get. Small, big, red, blue, yellow, orange, pink. They are not only capable of boosting the aesthetic of your bedroom in a couple seconds, but also incredibly comfy on those days when the only activity on your to-do list involves binge-watching Netflix.
And the bed is not the only place that you can improve with pillows. If you have a window seat, then it could surely benefit from a few pillows too. I can assure you that reading sessions will feel truly marvelous after this.
The best thing about throws and pillows in general is that they are often on sale, so when you get the chance, stock up, sweetie!
String lights are simply gorgeous

Instagram / ktfashionblogger
And who says you are supposed to use them only at Christmas? String lights look pretty damn awesome all year round, and you know what? Chances are you already have them tucked away in some cupboard where you keep all your Christmas stuff. You can hang these babies above the bed, on a wall, on a piece of furniture or pretty much anywhere you think they’d look good.
Photos – we all love them, don’t we?

Instagram / interior_by_s
Looking at old photos is a great way to remember the most memorable moments of your life. But the thing is, once you’ve gotten out of college, taping Polaroids to your walls is no longer appropriate. Framed photographs, on the other side, are pretty damn amazing to look at.
A nice frame can make even the craziest photo look sophisticated, not to mention that if you have enough space, you could turn the most memorable moments in your life into a marvelous gallery wall.
You can pretty much always find frames on sale, so just like with throw pillows, get a few of them and you won’t regret it!
New bedside lamps – yay!
Now I know bedside lamps aren’t exactly cheap, especially since if you do decide to get new ones, you’ll have to get two. But if you save money with the other tips I’ve just give you, then I guess you could splurge on a couple of new bedside lamps, right?
I can assure you that if you make these changes, going to bed and waking up are both going to be a breeze from now on.